We grow in our faith as disciples, learning biblical truth and spending time in community with one another.
We serve each other through the spiritual gifts God has given us.
We take the good news of Jesus across the street and around the world through an evangelistic lifestyle, community involvement, and missions.
Children's Ministry
Jesus loves children, and so do we!
10 AM: Sunday School (all ages)
11 AM: Children’s Church (all ages)
Elementary age children start in the worship center and are dismissed before the sermon.
Nursery is available for babies through two year olds.
6 PM: Family Faith Night(during Spring and Fall)
Vacation Bible School
(For the safety of our children, SHBC has performed background checks on all team members.)
Youth Ministry
Safe Harbor seeks to engage middle and high school students with the Gospel and to help them grow into fully-formed, mature disciples of Jesus.
Led by Elders, Josh & Bell Copley, Patrick & Lexie Harp, and Kori Estep.
Sunday Evenings
Weekly Large Group Meeting at 5 PM
Summer Camp
Crossings Cedarmore (each year in June)
Check our weekly bulletin, email, or Facebook group for details about more upcoming youth gatherings and events!
Adult Discipleship
There are 3 ways discipleship is offered for adults at Safe Harbor:
Anchored Classes
Bible Studies
Discipleship Groups (D-Groups)
Anchored Classes
Anchored emphasizes growth through teaching-oriented classes. These co-ed classes meet Sunday mornings at 10 AM and systematically cover core biblical beliefs in
6-week increments.
Adult Bible Studies
Bible studies emphasize growth through teaching, discussion, and application. We offer co-ed Bible studies on Wednesday nights in the Spring and Fall, as well as other Bible study options.
Discipleship Groups
D-Groups emphasize growth through biblical community with other believers. Discipleship Groups are currently meeting at various times throughout the week. See a pastor or email info@safeharborbaptist.org for details.
College Ministry
Safe Harbor ministers to college students in Georgetown through partnering with campus ministries like Cru and through building discipling relationships, primarily with students at nearby Georgetown College.
Opportunities for college students to be involved at Safe Harbor include:
Periodic events specifically for students
Worship with us on Sunday mornings
Opportunities to serve (music, children, youth, etc.)

Men's & Women's Ministries
We seek to connect the men and women of Safe Harbor through periodic opportunities for fellowship and serving together.
Women's Ministry
Past events include: Women’s Retreat, Secret Sister, Ministering to Homebound, Craft Nights
Check our weekly bulletin, email, or Facebook group for details about more upcoming youth gatherings and events!
Men's Ministry
Past events include game nights, breakfasts, work days, and other service opportunities.
Contact Pastor Chad at pastorchad@safeharborbaptist.org
for more information about how you can get connected with the men at SHBC.
Check our weekly bulletin, email, or Facebook group for details about more upcoming youth gatherings and events!
Mercy Ministry
The vision of our Mercy Ministry is to demonstrate God’s love by meeting people’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in practical ways by building relationships and sharing the hope of Christ.
Periodic neighborhood/community outreach events (block parties, etc.)
Christmas neighborhood outreach (similar to Angel Tree)
Partnerships with local non-profits
Local Partnerships

We seek to obey the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations.
Past & Present Mission Partners
Campus Outreach - Georgetown College
Harrington Family - France
International Mission Board - Mexico
Cooperative Partners
Music Ministry
Mission: Proclaiming His Word through song.
If you're seeking opportunities to serve with your musical gift, email Pastor John at

Leadership Development
We seek to train up and equip church leaders through various roles and opportunities:
Exploring Eldership Class
Pastoral Internship
If you'd like to learn more about leadership development at Safe Harbor, please speak with an elder.